Enter the gene of interest in the first field and select the characetistics of the datasets in which you would like to to display the log fold change.
The graph to the right displays the gene expression level of the above selected gene in each individual dataset as percentile. Highly expressed genes are closer to 100%.
The table to the right contains the summary result of the differential gene expression anaylsis per condition analysed (GEOSET) for the above selected gene.
You can select genes based on the above conditions:
p-value: Maximal p-value for the gene to be included
logFC: Minimum logarithmic fold change for the gene to be included
Number of datasets: Minimum number of conditions/datasets in which the above conditions need to be fulfilled for the gene to be included.
Number of genes to display: Number of genes that are displayed in the heatmap.
Enter the gene of interest in the field above. The black diamond indicates the relative position (logFC, p-value) of the selcted genes in regards to all other genes
The table to the right contains all informations regarding the included datasets in this study with the corresponding references.